Total Contract Value and Number of Singaporeans Employed by China- and India-headquartered Companies and Subsidiaries in Finance, ICT and Professional Services Engaged by Government as Contractors

Hazel Asks the Finance Minister

Ms Hazel Poa asked the Minister for Finance (a) how many China- and India-headquartered companies and subsidiaries of such companies in the finance, ICT and professional services sectors are currently engaged by the Government as contractors; (b) what is the total value of these contracts; and (c) what is the number of Singaporeans employed by these companies.

Breakdown of Citizens, Permanent Residents, Employment Pass Holders and S Pass Holders in Finance, Infocomm, Professional Services and Other Sectors

Hazel Asks the Manpower Minister

Ms Hazel Poa asked the Minister for Manpower what is the current number of citizens, Permanent Residents, Employment Pass holders and S Pass holders in each of the (i) finance (ii) infocomm (iii) professional services and (iv) other sectors.

Quarantine Procedure for Arriving Foreign Domestic Workers and Circumstances for Their Early Release from Stay-Home Notices

Hazel Asks the Health Minister

Ms Hazel Poa asked the Minister for Health (a) what is the current quarantine procedure for foreign domestic workers (FDWs) arriving to work in Singapore; (b) under what circumstances can these FDWs be released early from their Stay-Home Notices (SHNs); and (c) to date, how many FDWs have been released early from their SHNs.

Employment Visas and Dependant Passes Issued to Nationals from Countries That Have Signed Free Trade Agreements with Singapore

Hazel Asks the Manpower Minister

Ms Hazel Poa asked the Minister for Manpower for each year from 2005 to 2020, how many (i) dependant passes and (ii) Long Term Visit Passes have been issued to relatives of nationals from China, India, USA and Australia who are Employment Pass or S Pass holders respectively.

Criteria for Companies Placed on Fair Consideration Framework Watchlist and Current Breakdown in Singapore Standard Industrial Classification 2015

Hazel Asks the Manpower Minister

Ms Hazel Poa asked the Minister for Manpower for each year from 2005 to 2020, how many nationals from China, India, USA and Australia have been issued (i) Employment Passes (ii) S Passes (iii) Work Permits (excluding foreign domestic workers) and (iv) letters of consent respectively. 

Better Protection and CPF Contributions of Gig and Platform Economy Workers

Hazel Asks the Manpower Minister

Ms Hazel Poa asked the Minister for Manpower (a) whether she can provide an update on the measures that the Ministry is studying to better protect gig workers; and (b) whether a review will be conducted on the definition of employees versus freelancers so as to better protect those who are employees in all but name.