Budget 2022: Clarification from MOF on effective corporate income tax rate to match 2% hike in GST

I was looking forward to clarification from MOF during COS but unfortunately none of my questions were answered. What particularly surprised me was when Minister Indranee said that she did not have the figures on how much the effective corporate income tax rate must be raised by to raise the same revenue as a 2% […]

Budget 2022: Alternatives to GST Hike

Mr Speaker, Sir, There are many measures announced in this year’s Budget Statement that we welcome.  We welcome the further tightening of foreign manpower, the increased focus on redistribution through the introduction of higher income tax rates at the top tiers and higher taxes on property and luxury cars.  We think that more can be […]

Reasons for Second Review of India-Singapore Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) Taking Eight Years to Complete

Hazel Asks the Trade and Industry Minister

Ms Hazel Poa asked the Minister for Trade and Industry (a) what are the reasons behind the second review of the India-Singapore Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) taking eight years to complete; (b) what are the main contentious issues in the second review of CECA; and (c) what are the issues under review in the current third […]

Total Contract Value and Number of Singaporeans Employed by China- and India-headquartered Companies and Subsidiaries in Finance, ICT and Professional Services Engaged by Government as Contractors

Hazel Asks the Finance Minister

Ms Hazel Poa asked the Minister for Finance (a) how many China- and India-headquartered companies and subsidiaries of such companies in the finance, ICT and professional services sectors are currently engaged by the Government as contractors; (b) what is the total value of these contracts; and (c) what is the number of Singaporeans employed by these companies.

Suppliers’ Safety Record and Compliance with Manpower Policies amongst Factors Taken into Account in Award of Government Contracts

Hazel Asks the Deputy Prime Minister

Ms Hazel Poa asked the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance whether a supplier’s track record in terms of safety standards and compliance with manpower policies are taken into consideration in awarding Government contracts and whether suppliers with serious lapses will be banned.

Land Cost in FY2019/2020 and Breakdown of Payment to SLA, Government Organisations and Private Entities.

Hazel Asks the National Development Minister

Ms Hazel Poa asked the Minister for National Development (a) how much did HDB pay for land cost in FY2019/2020; and (b) what is the breakdown of that payment amount to (i) SLA (ii) other Government organisations and (iii) private entities.