Parliamentary Questions for the Minister for Defence

Flights from Tengah Air Base

6 Feb 2024

Ms Hazel Poa asked the Minister for Defence (a) what is the estimated increase in the frequency of flights from Tengah Air Base after operations from Paya Lebar Air Base (PLAB) are relocated there prior to PLAB’s decommissioning in 2030; and (b) what are the noise mitigation measures being explored.

Dr Ng Eng Hen: The decision to relocate RSAF capabilities and activities at Paya Lebar Air Base (PLAB) elsewhere was taken with the paramount consideration that it would not weaken Singapore’s ability to defend itself. Thus, Tengah and Changi Air Bases were expanded to make up for the closure of PLAB. After the relocation of PLAB, the RSAF estimates a 15-20% increase in the frequency of flights at Tengah Air Base.

To minimise the impact of aircraft noise on residents in the vicinity of our airbases, the RSAF has in place several noise abatement measures. These include conducting about 50% of RSAF flying training requirements overseas, shifting some of the local flying requirements to simulators, planning for local flying routes away from residential areas where possible, and adjusting flying training tempo and hours during school examinations period.

MINDEF and the RSAF have also worked with Government agencies such as HDB and NEA on noise mitigating measures for new infrastructure developments in the vicinity of air bases, such as Tengah New Town. Examples of measures adopted for public housing include thicker window glass for better sound insulation when windows are closed, façade designs with overhangs or canopies to deflect and abate noise transmission, and orientating buildings away from the direct line of aircraft flight paths.