Speech in support of Budget 2024

Mr Speaker Sir, Perhaps the most noteworthy thing about this year’s Budget statement was the amount of support measures provided to Singaporeans without any additional major tax increases announced. This will come as a great relief to many Singaporeans who are still struggling to cope with high costs of living and an uncertain job environment. […]

Speech in Support of Motion on Public Finances

Mr Speaker, PSP has raised this motion today because we believe that it is important for Singaporeans to have a national conversation about our Budget and reserve accumulation policies. While we agree that there are benefits in having reserves to cope with unforeseen circumstances, we are of the view that there comes a point beyond […]

Speech on Mental Health Motion

Mr Speaker Sir, Mental health issues are not only a personal struggle; it is also a challenge to the whole society that demands our collective attention and concerted efforts. It is heartening that the Government has published a National Mental Health and Well-Being Strategy, outlining comprehensive moves to tackle this challenge from multiple angles. I […]

Building an Inclusive and Safe Digital Society

Mr Speaker Sir, I rise to speak in support of the motion. PSP agrees that a whole-of-nation approach to build an inclusive and safe digital society is very much needed. As society digitalised over the past decade, there has been an increase in the prevalence of many varieties of online scams which has lowered the […]

Speech for the Debate on Cost of Living

Mdm Deputy Speaker, Post-pandemic, inflation in Singapore has been much higher than it used to be. Announcements of price increases in transport fares, water and utilities came one after another. COE prices rose to record highs and GST is going to be increased by another 1% next year. Property prices and rental continued climbing. All […]

Closing Speech on the Motion to Suspend Mr S Iswaran from the Service of Parliament

Mr Speaker, Sir, I would like to thank all who have participated in this debate. All of us share a common desire to maintain high standards of conduct in this House and to treat Members who are under investigation firmly and fairly. These are motherhood statements that few are expected to disagree with. How we […]

Abolish GRC

Sir/Madam, I beg to move, “That this House calls for the abolition of Group Representation Constituencies.” The GRC system was introduced in 1988 when the Parliamentary Elections Act and the Constitution were amended to provide for the creation of three-member GRCs. The justification for this change was to safeguard minority representation in Parliament. The number […]

Debate on Singapore’s COVID-19 Response

Mr Speaker Sir, First and foremost, I wish to express my greatest appreciation to all the healthcare and other frontline workers whose hard work enabled our lives to continue throughout the pandemic. Without them, we would not have been able to pull through this crisis. I hope we will not forget that and will recognize […]